
what caused the rat island earthquake

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On February 4th, 1965, a reverse fault caused the Rat Islands Earthquake, Alaska, at 5:01 A.M. (1896-1977)International The Aleutian subduction zone has produced four great interplate earthquakes in the last century: the 1938 M 8.2 earthquake that occurred off the Alaska Peninsula, the 1957 M 8.6 Andreanof earthquake, the 1964 M 9.2 Gulf of Alaska earthquake that caused $311 million in property damage and 125 fatalities, and the 1965 M 8.7 Rat Island earthquake. Physics, Astrophysics and AstronomyI have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShallow Megathrust Slip During Large Earthquakes That Have High P Coda Levels, Using Seismic Source Parameters to Model Frequency‐Dependent Surface‐Wave Radiation Patterns, Developing an Approximate Tsunami Hazard Zone for Areas with Poor Topographic Coverage in Alaska, Upper-plate rigidity determines depth-varying rupture behaviour of megathrust earthquakes, Effects of fault heterogeneity on seismic energy and spectrum, Joint Inversion of High‐Rate GPS and Teleseismic Observations for Rupture Process of the 23 June 2014 (M Inversion using the two different datasets shows a high correlation between the areas of high moment release and areas of high slip.

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The large earthquakes of February 4, 1965, and November 17, 2003, in the Rat Islands, Focal parameters, depth estimation, and plane selection of the worldwide shallow seismicity with M ≥ 7.0 for the period 1900–1976, Regional Difference in Scaling Laws for Large Earthquakes and its Tectonic Implication, Microscopic and Macroscopic Simulation: Towards Predictive Modelling of the Earthquake Process, Heterogeneous Coupling Along Alaska-Aleutians as Inferred From Tsunami, Seismic, and Geodetic Inversions, Upper plate stressing and seismicity in the subduction earthquake cycle, Use of the mantle magnitudeM m for the reassessment of the moment of historical earthquakes, Influence of asperities along subduction interfaces on the stressing and seismicity of adjacent areas, Large Earthquakes in the Macquarie Ridge Complex: Transitional Tectonics and Subduction Initiation, Estimation of Strong Ground Motions from Hypothetical Earthquakes on the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Pacific Northwest, Estimation of strong ground motions from hypothetical earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone, Pacific Northwest, Large earthquakes in the macquarie ridge complex: Transitional tectonics and subduction initiation, Inversion of long-period P-waves from great earthquakes along subduction zones, Comparison of a complex rupture model with the precursor asperities of the 1975 HawaiiM s-7.2 earthquake, Excitation of short-period body-waves by great earthquakes, Global survey of aftershock area expansion patterns, Source modeling of the Hsingtai, China earthquakes of March 1966, Seismic coupling and uncoupling at subduction zones, Quantitative relations of seismic source parameters and a classification of earthquakes, Seismic moment of the Vladivostok deep-focus earthquake of September 29, 1973, deduced from P waves and mantle Rayleigh waves, Mode of the strain release along the Gibbs fracture zone, Mid-Atlantic ridge, Excitation of the Chandler wobble by large earthquakes, Foreshocks and multiple shocks of large earthquakes, 7.9) Rat Islands Archipelago, Alaska, Intermediate Depth Earthquake, Detection and characterization of transient forcing episodes affecting earthquake activity in the Aleutian Arc system, Great (≥Mw8.0) megathrust earthquakes and the subduction of excess sediment and bathymetrically smooth seafloor, The 23 June 2014 M 7.9 Rat Islands archipelago, Alaska, intermediate depth earthquake, Global correlations between maximum magnitudes of subduction zone interface thrust earthquakes and physical parameters of subduction zones, Repeat Times of Great Earthquakes Along Simple Plate Boundaries, Seismic and Aseismic Slip Along Subduction Zones and their Tectonic Implications, Island Arcs, Deep Sea Trenches and Back‐Arc Basins, Variability of megathrust earthquakes in the world revealed by the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake, Rupture process of the February 4, 1965, Rat Islands Earthquake, Dynamic source parameters of the March‐May 1969 Serdo Earthquake Sequence in central Afar, Ethiopia, deduced from teleseismic body waves, Aftershock area expansion and mechanical heterogeneity of fault zone within subduction zones, The effect of rupture complexity on estimates of source size, Initial phase analysis of R waves from great earthquakes, On the relation between seismic moment and stress drop in the presence of stress and strength heterogeneity, Reply [to “Comment on ‘Nonlinear stress propagation in the Earth's upper mantle’ by H. J. Melosh”], The Aleutian Arc: Tectonic blocks, episodic subduction, strain diffusion, and magma generation, Nonlinear stress propagation in the Earth's upper mantle, Mode of strain release of three graben‐associated earthquakes, Characterization of the seismogenic process in the Aleutian island arc: II.

Another major earthquake, M7.9, occurred farther east in 1996. The Rat Island earthquake of February 4, 1965 (origin time 05h 01m 21.8s, Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password.

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