
ruach feminine

Chacun le recherche comme un enfant cherche sa mère. There are biblical translations where the pronoun used for the Holy Spirit is masculine, in contrast to the gender of the noun used for Some small Christian groups regard the gender of the Holy Spirit to be female, based on their understanding that the Hebrew word for Spirit, They take the Oneness of God to mean the "familial" unity which exists between them, which unity is not seen in any other depiction of the Godhead by the various non-Hebrew peoples. YHWH is is not a gender and neither is the Ruach. Interestingly, the Hebrew word for "spirit," ruach, is in the feminine gender. This is matched by the role of the Ruach HaKodesh as "comforter" (Jn. Sexuality was taken out of the literal performance of the fertility rites that were performed in pagan temple rituals to insure the productivity of the land; it was spiritualized and taken into the realm of transcendence and spirit. Now the Hebrew word RUACH (Aramaic RUCHA) is grammatically feminine as is the phrase Ruach HaKodesh. In the process I’ve had two books published, I am now aware that there are many passages concerning God in the Hebrew describing God in maternal and feminine metaphor, including Deuteronomy 32:18b, where God groans and gives birth in an image of a woman in labor.

All these usages tend to make one see something of a feminine aspect to the Creator of Life, if you ponder … Who today can truly know the rhyme or reason? This is a brilliant use of language. Tip: to find an exact phrase or title, enclose it in quotation marks.Tip: to find an exact phrase or title, enclose it in quotation marks.There are profound metaphors of God as feminine in the Hebrew Old Testament. In the case of ruach, the grammatical gender of the word may be feminine; that is not a proof that the Holy Spirit is indeed feminine. Consequently, it cannot be deduced that this parakletos is a personality any more than we could say a German pen is a girl and a German pencil is a boy—even though the article die in die Feder (the pen) denotes a feminine word and der in der Bleistift (the pencil) denotes a masculine word. – user862 Aug 20 '13 at 2:58 God is pure spirit in which there is no place for the difference between the sexes. Creation was by God’s Word when God said, Let there be light. In Hebrew, the word “Ruach” is feminine tense, assigning to the Spirit a feminine nature, character, gender. In Hebrew the word for wind/breath/spirit is ruach, which is feminine (like all nouns for body parts). "Wisdom" is also a feminine word, translating the Hebrew "chokmah". Donc, dans l’expression biblique, il ira encore plus loin jusqu’à privilégier, pour se définir, ce mot (Ainsi, le savant juif André Chouraqui nous a proposé de traduire l’omniprésent “Dieu, le miséricordieux”, par “Dieu, le matriciel”. En choisissant précisément ce mot sans équivoque pour nous parler de Lui, on met l’accent sur l’attachement de Dieu à ses créatures. In Greek the word pneuma is grammatically neuter and so, in that language, the pronoun referring to the Holy Spirit under that name is also grammatically neuter.

As is "Shekinah", which means "Presence", and comes from the root, "shakan".

My foundational concept of the feminine in God is in Genesis in the introduction, where God is described with both masculine and feminine nouns and verbs, as Sign up for our newsletter to receive our most up-to-date news, articles, and information
Both are spirits. I quote now Jerome, the author of the Latin Vulgate: "In the Gospel of the Hebrews that the Nazarenes read it says, "Just now my mother, the Ruach haQodesh, took me." 32:11-12, Proverbs 1:20, Matthew 11:19, Luke 3:22, and John 3:5-6. Pour elle, même adulte et coupable, il reste le fruit des ses entrailles, l’enfant bien-aimé.Nous avons plus haut le commentaire de Rachi à propos de l’attitude de l’aigle qui approche du nid: il les a conduits avec miséricorde (רַחֲמִים Alors nous ne nous étonnerons pas si la Bible, à côté de l’autorité paternelle, introduit tout de suite en Dieu son affection maternelle. 16 This word image of Elohim also incorporated the feminine as a noun concept, the ruach Elohim. Bien évidemment, Dieu est au-delà de nos distinctions de genre. They must always be viewed in context.

But the respective 'perfections' of man and woman reflect something of the infinite perfection of God: those of a mother and those of a father and husband." Deuteronomy 32 was the Song of Moses, which many scholars consider to be a part of the earliest and most sacred of the Hebrew traditions.I believe that Genesis 1:2 was a deliberate allusion to the ancient poetical Song. To begin with, in Hebrew and Aramaic Ruach HaKodesh is a feminine term, so that in the original language of the Bible, the Ruach HaKodesh is always a "she". La liberté qu’il nous laisse d’aimer ou de ne pas aimer pourrait nous conduire à être un contre exemple. On occasion this poetic imagery is allegorized literally as female; most often the feminine appears in the Hebrew Bible in metaphor and allegory, as in Deuteronomy 32:18b where God, here named In the Hebrew Old Testament itself, the feminine imagery is most often allegorical and poetic. Pneuma in greek, though, is neutrum. However, when the Holy Spirit is referred to by the grammatically masculine word Parakletos "counselor", the pronoun is masculine (since the pronoun refers to Parakletos rather than pneuma), as in John 16:7-8. It also helps develop the argument that the feminine imagery is integral to the original Hebrew concept of God.This allusion to the feminine in God builds in Genesis 1:26-27 where mankind, These two passages in Genesis 1-2:4 are foundational to any concept of the feminine in God in the Hebrew Scripture. That one is VERY meaningful to me, since "shakan" is also the root for "Mishkan"--the dwelling place of God. In the first verse, God, It has taken me a long time to come to this understanding—in fact, forty years of wandering through Scripture study groups, prayer meditations and graduate school.

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