
reconciliation definition bible

And so in the second phrase, the two meanings, the Godward and the manward, may coalesce: They are brought near by the blood of Christ. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. God reconciles the world to himself ( Reconciliation is also related to justification. God, in a word, enters into gracious relations with a world of sinners, becomes reconciled to man. To make this mean the human aspect of the reconciliation, it would be necessary unduly to confine it to the reconciliation of Paul and his fellow-workers, though even then it would be a straining of language, for there is the other historic act described, "and gave unto us the ministry of reconciliation." It is the cross of Christ that reconciles both Jew and Gentile. Paul reminds us that "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" ( The act of reconciling parties at variance; renewal of friendship after disagreement or enmity. If you and a friend aren’t talking to each other, your relationship is strained. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password.Reconciliation comes from the Greek family of words that has its roots in Reconciliation has to do with the relationships between God and man or man and man. "being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life." Thus, it is Christ through the cross who has made reconciliation possible, for "God made him to be sin for us" ( 2 Cor 5:21). The making atonement or propitiation is the basis of the reconciliation, the means of its accomplishment, and the fact that the translators of the King James Version sometimes rendered kaphar by "reconcile" shows that they understood reconciliation to have the Godward aspect.

This is the substance of the "word of reconciliation" which is preached by the apostle. 1. Reconciliation is something done by the one who offers it; it is not just something that happens to the estranged people. It is related to justification in Romans 5. Whatever may be said of the nature of the atonement or propitiation in the old dispensation, it was something … If a person is about to offer a gift at the altar and remembers that he has something against his brother he should leave his gift and be reconciled first to his brother and then come and offer his gift. RECONCILIATION. He is not arguing that if we have begun to love God we may reckon upon His doing so and so for us, but because He has done so much, we may expect Him to do more. Reconciliation is the Greek word katallagē, meaning “an exchange; reconciliation, restoration to favor.” Reconciliation assumes a broken relationship. The reconciliation becomes mutual, for there is no kind of doubt that sinners are enemies to God in the active sense, and require to lay aside their hostility, and so be reconciled to Him. Here there can be no question that the historic Incarnation is meant, and the reconciling of the world can be nothing other than the objective work of atonement culminating in the cross.
But assuredly the Philistines' idea of David reconciling himself to Saul was not that he should lay aside his enmity against Saul, and so become friends with him. There is, indeed, another non-doctrinal instance in It is well to note, then, that there is "wrath" on the part of God against sin and sinners. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Paul uses the verb echthroi, "enemies," in By this propitiation, therefore, the barrier was removed, and, God having assumed a gracious attitude toward the sinner, it is possible for the sinner now, influenced by His love, to come into a friendly relationship with God. So he continues, "We are ambassadors therefore on behalf of Christ, as though God were entreating by us: The manward aspect is emphasized in the next verse, although the Godward is not lost sight of: "We also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation" ( "All things are of God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and gave unto us the ministry of reconciliation." If the first reconciliation, "the reconciliation of the world unto himself," had been the laying aside of human enmity, there could now be no point in the exhortation, "Be ye reconciled to God."

This is more clearly set forth in the verse which follows, which in explaining the ministry of reconciliation says: "To wit, that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, not reckoning unto them their trespasses." It is a relationship that comes between man and wife as well as Jew and Gentile. The plain meaning is that through Jesus Christ, God established the basis of agreement, removed the barrier to the sinner's approach to Himself, accomplished the work of propitiation, and, having done so, He entrusts His servants with the ministry of reconciliation, a ministry which, basing itself upon the great propitiatory, reconciling work of Christ, is directed toward men, seeking to remove their enmity, to influence them in their turn to be reconciled with God. The Bible teaches that God Himself has provided the means of rek'-on-sil, rek-on-sil-i-a'-shun (@katallasso], katallage, also the compound form apokatallasso; once the cognate diallassomai is used in The Old Testament usage does not materially help in the elucidation of the New Testament terms, for though the word occurs in a number of passages in the King James Version, it is in the Revised Version (British and American) generally changed to "atonement," which more accurately represents the Hebrew kaphar, which is generally rendered by "atonement," and by hilaskomai or exilaskomai in the Greek (In one passage of the New Testament ( There is yet another Hebrew word rendered "reconcile" in for wherewith should this fellow reconcile himself unto his lord? This may occur through a third-party or at the initiation of you or your friend. But that is only possible because the reconciliation in the Godward aspect has already been accomplished. And generally, at least in the Scripture, it deals with the relationship between God and humanity. Our sin alienated us from Him. It is related to … See the works on New Testament Theology of Weiss, Schmid, Stevens, etc.

The Hebrew is ratsah, which means "to be pleased with" or "to accept favorably," and the Hithpael form here used is "to make himself pleasing or acceptable," "to reconcile himself."

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