
lunar mare and lunar highlands

In effect, the Moon preserves a near continuous geological record of planetary evolution that is no longer accessible on mo… Since CO is formed in the upper part of the atmosphere, the line is seen in absorption against the warm continuum background on both Venus and Mars (We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Furthermore, at ultraviolet wavelengths (58–166 nm) Mercury's albedo is about 65% lower than the Moon's at comparable wavelengths. At short wavelengths, where shallow layers are probed, the day side temperature is usually highest. Lunar highlands, on the other hand, also called terrae, are the light colored parts of the Moon. However, the lunar highlands differ from the lunar lowlands mainly in their concentrations of the metal oxides. For example, the impact on the early Earth of a body in the 500 km size range, similar to the present day asteroids Pallas and Vesta, would be sufficient to evaporate the world's present oceans, if only 25% of the impact energy were used in vaporizing the water.

The lunar highlands /mare albedo ratio is almost a factor of 2 on the Moon, but it is only a factor of 1.4 on Mercury. A full The CO 1–0 (3 mm) and 2–1 (1 mm) rotational transitions have been observed routinely. This hot–cold pattern results from Mercury's 3/2 spin-orbit resonance: Mercury rotates three times around its axis for every two revolutions around the Sun.

Then, over a period lasting until perhaps three billion years ago, a long sequence of volcanic events flooded the giant basins and surrounding low-lying areas with magma originating hundreds of kilometres within the interior. Two primary kinds of terrain are visible—the lighter areas, which constitute the heavily cratered and very old highlands, and the darker, roughly circular plains, traditionally called maria, which are relatively young lava-filled impact basins.Among the maria are (left to right) the crescent-shaped Oceanus Procellarum near the left limb, the large, almost perfectly circular Mare Imbrium, or Imbrium Basin (with the crater Copernicus a bright dot at its lower margin), Mare Serenitatis immediately to the right of Imbrium, Mare Tranquillitatis to the lower right of Serenitatis, and Mare Crisium, isolated near the right limb. Because Apollo and Luna landing sites (all Nearside) were chosen for safety reasons or as geologically interesting but unrepresentative, their regional sampling of the Moon is biased. Rocks from these missions, as shown in figure 1, have yielded some of the oldest dated material in the solar system, with ages typically ranging from ∼4.5 to ∼3 Ga (Snyder et al. Like on all planetary crusts and the dirt under your feet here on Earth, lunar material consists predominantly of silicate minerals, i.e., silicon and oxygen molecularly bonded to various metal atoms. The tra… The proportional counters was low, important results were obtained, such as the enhancement of Al/Si in the ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. In addition, ∼45 impacts produced basins, ranging in diameter from Bailly at 300 km, through the South Pole-Aitken Basin at 2600 km, to the putative Procellarum Basin at 3500 km, the existence of which is still debated. Thus, the oldest material from the surface of the Moon is almost as old as we believe the Solar System to be. Although the recognized giant impact basins are distributed similarly on the near and far sides of the Moon, most of the far-side basins were never flooded with lava to form maria.

Only their fusion crust differentiates them from Apollo and Luna samples. These are the Moon’s maria or, in the singular, lunar mare (Latin word for sea), which cover about 17% of the lunar crust.

The mascons are regions… They were dubbed maria, Latin for "seas", by early astronomers who mistook them for actual seas. Lunar samples suggest that the microwave opacity in the highlands is somewhat (factor of ∼2) lower than in the maria, so that deeper cooler layers are probed in the Radio images of Mercury show a brightness variation across the disk, which displays the history of solar insolation. Another bright crater, Tycho, stands out at the bottom left of the image. 4. 2014).

Cooling leads to stresses, crustal fracturing, and basin subsidence. The results of the The large multiring basins define the major topographic features of the Moon. Lunar Highlands rocks returned by Apollo 16 are about 4 billion years old. The dark maria and the lighter highlands, whose unchanging patterns many people recognize as the “man in the moon,” constitute the two main kinds of lunar territory. A highlands sample was chosen in line with the current lunar architecture that calls for Most are regolith, fragmentai, or melt breccias from the .)

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