
lunar craters

As you continue to sweep your fingers along the floor, you will notice the central uplift region that is found in the center of Tycho. Would it be considered a “simple” or “complex” crater?Turn to Tactile 2 in the book. We invite you to explore this "weird and scenic landscape" where yesterday's volcanic events are likely to continue tomorrow. A centimeter bar found just below the scale will help remind you how big a centimeter is. As the vast majority of Moon references use this convention I have adopted it here too. The phases bring the Moon to life and highlight the complex moonscape of hills and ridges and dark and light areas.Whatever it is that draws you to the Moon, you can be sure that you are not the only one that has been fascinated with our nearest neighbor in space! What has it discovered about the Moon's craters? Aren’t you glad you weren’t on the Moon when that occurred? Wrinkle ridges are thrust faults. If you multiply your number of finger widths times 174 km, what is your prediction for how large that particular mare is? Now move your finger from left to right, horizontally through the Braille “A,” to get a better idea of the size of the mare. A handful of larger depressions are called valleys ("vallis"), whilst the more plentiful smaller examples are called rilles or rimae. For more information on cratering, please see Bevan French’s book, and NASA’s Remote Sensing Tutorial – Impact Craters: For an audio version of the book narrated by Joe Lang, Dr. David Hurd, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Planetarium and Department of Geosciences, Edinboro, Pennsylvania Both single and multiple peaks occur and they are not always at the centre of the crater. Since 1961, the lunar coordinate system was set so that an observer located on the Moon would see the Sun rise in the East and set in the West, as on Earth. Even large craters are common, with over 230 craters with diameters of >100 km being visible from Earth. Notice that it has an uplift ring within the outer rim of the crater itself. Is there a central uplift? Most are located on Oceanus Procellarum. If the maria are younger in age, why do you suppose they are smoother?Explore Tactile 1 some more. A thinner crust on the near side allowed much more outpouring of lava into basins than on the far side.Although it is barely visible, chances are you will not be able to feel the large circle within the outer rim of the Moon that indicates SPA. Because the physical forces involved in an impact the size of Tycho and larger craters are so much more than the necessary forces to make rock fracture, the surface around an impact area behaves much like water!Therefore, scientists can learn a great deal about impacts by studying slow motion film of water droplets hitting a surface. “The Earth used to look just like that.” At ~4 milliom km² in area, Oceanus Procellarum is the largest mare feature, though unlike most others, it is not confined to a well defined impact basin. Taking into account the differences in scale, what can be said about the depth/diameter ratio of the crater in Tactile 3 compared to Tactile 2? These represent fissures and fractures where the underlying rock is cracked. Simple craters have a bowl- shaped depression with raised rims that are 15 kilometers (km) across or less.

The bright “rays” surrounding the lunar crater show that the impact was relatively recent—less than 500 million years ago. This book is designed to give you the basics about the craters that are found on the Moon.Let’s start our exploration by observing the overall appearance of a “Full” Moon. Since it is not perfectly round, it ranges from 522 km to 700 km across. How many finger widths is it across? The lines below the crater represent the fractured rock beneath the surface. Keep in mind that objects are typically moving about 20 km/s when they impact the Moon and that the angle of impact will affect cratering also. Each of these are cross-section views. Sinuous rilles resulted from lava flows and/or collapsed lava tubes. Once again, starting on the far left of the bottom tactile and moving to the right, notice the layer, or blanket, of material on the surface of the Moon, but you find no debris above the crater since it has all settled back down to the surface.Although not all impacting has the same effect due to angle of incidence, speed at which the object strikes, size, and composition of impacting object; these 3 stages are usually found to some degree or another.It is interesting to note that SPA is thought to be formed from an object moving at a relatively slow speed with respect to the motion of the Moon and at a high angle of incidence, thus accounting for the relatively shallow crater formed.What a sight that would have been to witness such an event from Earth! A census of the crater population can tell scientists the relative ages of different parts of the surface and reveal information about the make-up of the early solar system. While multiple hypotheses have existed over the years, scientists now believe that it was exposure to extremely high temperatures that caused the massive craters that are spread all across the moon's surface.
The largest sinuous rille is Vallis Schroteri NW|Straight rilles are graben, flat valleys formed when the crust between two adjacent faults subsided (right). Examples include: Aristillus 0.9 km N|Volcanic domes are amongst my favourite lunar features. “The bottom line is, everything that happened on the moon happened on the Earth,” said David Kring, crater expert and team leader for Center for Lunar Science and Exploration. Using your “scale” finger on the cross-section view, what can be concluded about the depth of the crater with respect to its diameter, or its depth/diameter ratio? What factors would prevent us from finding craters on Earth? They once were seas of molten lava called basalt that poured from the Moon’s interior and cooled to solid rock.Find the mare near the middle labeled “A”. Crater chains are unusual features composed of linear rows of small craters. They can rise to significant heights above the surrounding crater floor.

This particular basin is known as Schrodinger Basin and is 320 km in diameter! These changing “phases” are due to the Moon’s revolution about the Earth and therefore the Moon’s change in position with respect to the Sun that illuminates it and the Earth that holds it in orbit.

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