
how to live after your husband dies

This is only the beginning of a new journey for me - alone.

And whether it is real or not, I can live as if it is.

When my husband first died family and friends gathered around me, but before a year was up many of my long-term friends began to fade away and my small immediate family saw a little less of me. Life goes on but I do not like this new life.Stephanie, I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your husband. I went through the shock and other symptoms of grief and did go to grief counseling which did help to a degree, but not completely.Now in 2016 I have handled the grief pretty well, but one thing I find is the sheer loneliness that grabs ahold of seniors. These conditions require professional help. This is such a horrible feeling, there are more bad days than good ones.How have you done since you wrote this? Ask your local hospice or health insurance plan for a referral. Allow people around you to listen to you as you share your feelings, thoughts, fears, and hopes. Really, some PhD's dry logic is supposed to assuage our pain? It feels like a prison sentence, a life sentence, where only death will free me. To all you other posters on here,I know how you feel,Just try to hang in there and do whatever you can find to keep busy,it helps.My husband and I had a good marriage.I just miss him so terribly.But through it all,I realize that I must go on and do the best I can.I'm looking forward to being with him again,and someday I will,that is the hope that gives me some comfort.Hi Margaret. you will have more time to do alot, Beef up your education and learn all you ever wanted.

2017 but I am still not sure how to even go on and it has been a year. How do I stop these terrible morning depressions it makes me have suicide feeling.

My husband passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2011 and we were married for almost 40 years and he was my best friend and soul mate. I watched your video and loved it. I could barely function. I cant do that to my kids and anyone else- this must end properly.I am trying to go on with life after suddenly losing my beloved husband of 29 years - together 34 years.15 weeks ago this weekend he went to Emergency with excruciating abdominal pain - he passed over 24 hours later from septic shock onLovey, please seek Grief Counseling. I was married to my husband when I was 17. NOTHING can take tears away, or the emptiness and loneliness one feels. This is such a horrible feeling, there are more bad days than good ones.Thank you Peggy. I have one son, he is a young man with friends and a job. Travel the world to see things most people only ever see on TV. You cannot expect that nurses treat your lover kindly in the wee hours of the morning.

We were married for 38 years. I'm only 58 and cannot imagine another 20 years of this misery without my husband. Everything is as he left it and I feel like this journey for me has just begun. Grief has now been labeled under Post Traumatic Stress and it is. More, counseling is not an option for poor folk w/ no insurance - unless you are willing to buy the religious BS, which I am not.This whole article is yet further proof of what a false diagnosis depression typically is. He was an alcoholic and also was clinically depressed and bi-polar. DO NOT GIVE UPI share with you all my knowledge to whom it interest, I believe we all want to live a healthy, wealthy and long lasting life or to be an immortal. Prayer work and give yourself as much time as you need to heal and move forward. I was told she had 2 months-she did not want to know. Find or obtain a certified copy of your birth certificate. Giving to others, even just a bit, is so good for us. Be on the lookout for changes in their behavior and seek counseling quickly if you sense they aren't handling

Whether they are able to move on afterward depends on their own inner resources as well the kind of support they receive from friends and family. So, what can these research results tell us? I would make a video bio of her using photos and videos, and I would narrate it to tell her story. I am trying to get used to life alone, but it is hard, so hard that just now I have home aides around the clock, which I hate. No one can fully comprehend what it's like. That made me extra sad. I finished the video and made DVD copies for my children and the baby grand children, in hopes that someday, those grandchildren would learn about Kathie, her heart and her soul.I have an abbreviated version of the bio on you tube. Grief can turn into clinical depression if it is prolonged or complicated by other factors. I miss him like hell! Please allow yourself to grieve. How can someone lay in bed dealing with his mortality? 'My wife passed away at age 58 after a 3 year battle with pancreatic cancer.

For example, if someone you love died, you may regret not visiting enough or making time for this person. It's understandable that you'd want to curl up in a ball and stop participating in life when you are grieving. Since this is often something that is massively bad and can't be changed, being profoundly unhappy all the time is not a mental disease, but the very hallmark of sanity.The problem is that drug companies decided to exploit the phenomenon of natural sadness to make money, and so started selling happy pills, for which their toadies, the psychology and psychiatry professions, invent excuses.I've read all the previous comments and relate closely to so many of the thoughts they express. We were planning to be together for 20 or 30 more years. It was only 3 months in that we got the shocking diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer with mets to her brain in the form of 20 tumors. He has no idea about how it truly is for "every widow". The researchers have some good points, but I feel it's being studied backwards. I see trucks coming towards me and sometimes think just steer into it- but never pull it off. You can build wealth and gain prestige and notoriety and attempt things you may never have even considered as a human. She is with me each day.

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