
Jinibara elders

[1] Traditional language provided in this document is specific to the Jinibara People’s dialects. The Jinibara are being closely consulted and are fully supportive of the Recognition Site project. That would­n't be accepted there, so why should it be acceptable for such an important place here? We welcome tourists here. In other words, the Jinibara People are the "people of the lawyer vine", the traditional people who live in the mountains and valleys where lawyer vine grows. Today, the Jinibara People continue their connections with their traditional country, and maintain their places, areas and sites of significance. The event is scheduled to be held in the Maleny Community Centre (main hall) on Wednesday 25th September 2019, 10.30am-1.30pm. Nor is the State’s register of area and objects comprehensive.

More than 100,000 walkers make the trek each year, many leaving rubbish such as toilet paper behind.Tweed Shire Council's indigenous heritage officer Rob Appo last year told 'We'd prefer people not to climb it, particularly to the summit because that's where a lot of those stories focus on,' Mr Appo said.The Bundjalung man said large numbers of people climbing the mountain also caused environmental damage to the area. Noel Blair is a Jinibara elder. By Aidan Wondracz and Stephen Gibbs for Daily Mail Australia

He currently resides in Gold Coast but enjoys regular trips to Woodford and Kilcoy for inspiration and for a breath of fresh air, away from city life.
Jinibara Elder and native title claim Elder and Applicant Uncle Noel Blair said the day was "a long time coming". The boundary between these two separate groups has been authorised by both groups. Headmen and women of a clan also met, to make decisions about inter-group matters, such as marriages and disputes. Emerging Elders (7-12) Emerging Elders (multi day camp) Years 7-12 Come and experience Jinibara Country, soak it up. Council acknowledges the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait people play within the wider Sunshine Coast community, but also understands and acknowledges that the traditional custodians of the Sunshine Coast have cultural, spiritual, social and economic connections and responsibilities to their traditional lands that are separate to those associated with the wider community. Festivals and ceremonies also provided a forum for trade between groups.

This will just make it all worth it," he said. The tribal name of Jinibara means this by implication, as bara means "people" and Jini means "lawyer vine". To the Jinibara People, the Kabi Kabi People are known as mwoirnewar, the saltwater people. A person’s yuri placed responsibility on that person to care for the wellbeing of that animal, but also linked people, so for example, a person would consider all other people also belonging to that person’s yuri as their brothers and sisters.

Today, the Jinibara families represent all four sub-groups, and work together cohesively through their prescribed body corporate, the Jinibara People Aboriginal Corporation (JPAC). There is much to be leant about our country’s cultural past, and the Jinibara people have a wealth of stories to tell. Discussions then began with Jinibara elder Uncle Ken Murphy who brought the native title claim on behalf of his people.

The sheer number of people climbing is unsustainable. His work reflects his meticulous mind and his love for the land from which he came.
Closing the climb is not something to feel upset about but a cause for celebration. Emerging Elders (multi day camp) Years 7-12. We anticipate a good crowd, as the people of Maleny have shown a great deal of interest in Indigenous matters, including local identity Aunty Bev Hand’s cultural walks, the annual Bunya Dreaming Festival, and the Maleny Remembrance Ceremony. Jinibara wooden artefacts are available for sale. When people became sick, medicines and special ceremonies were provided to assist their cure. 'If I travel to another country and there is a sacred site, an area of restricted access, I don't enter or climb it, I respect it.

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